What To Say When Calling After Applying For A Job
Say hello ask for the contact specified in the job ad address him or her using Ms or Mr politely state your name and explain that you are calling about the job opening. Your continued interest in the job and a question about when candidates can expect to hear about next steps says Frana.
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My name is your name and Im calling regarding a recent job application I submitted on date for the position name position.

What to say when calling after applying for a job. There is no point in making the call just for the sake of it though. A follow-up email is perfectly fine. How to Write a FollowUp Email.
Wait for a response. What to say in a follow up call after applying introduction. If you sense annoyance or stress in the persons voice end the call and send an email instead.
If the hiring manager is not available ask when they will be there and follow up at that time. Send it after two weeks. Wait one week after applying before making your application follow up call and do not call more than twice in one week.
Let them know what position youre targeting and that you would like to follow up on your application. A simple and cordial cover letter gramatically correct no spelling errors can tell you that the person can string two sentences together. If you havent heard back from the employer two weeks after sending your resume and cover letter consider sending an email.
Focus on why you are a good fit. Our blog articles cover a range of topics from tips on what to say and wear in an interview. Phone Script Hello this is name and Im an applicant for position.
Your email or note should express two key things. Use a clear subject line. Calling to follow up on job application is a decision that many job seekers make.
When in doubt follow the instructions for application and follow-up as outlined by the employer. Have a glass of water with you in case your mouth gets dry. Follow their lead but it may be appropriate to say something like this next.
Generally a follow-up call should have a greeting that includes the name of the person you are calling and your name an introduction that identifies the title of the position you are calling about and an explanation of the reason for your call. Thank the employer for their consideration and say youd be happy to clarify any information on your resume. Following Up on a Job Application by Email.
My name is Susan Jones and Im calling about the Sales Representative position you have posted online. Dont call companies that say do not call in the job description. When making a follow-up call for a submitted job application you should begin with a simple introduction such as the following.
Hi Christina Thank you for sharing. Following Up on a Job Application. If it is well composed well formatted clean neat you would be surprised and has essential details I understand that the applicant understands business correspondence and thats important.
Use a landline for a clearer connection and to reduce the risk of calls or texts interrupting your call. How do you follow up on a job application with no response. Mention the names of people who you know at the hiring company or who are mutual connections to the hiring manager to build rapport.
Practice what you will say. What to say when calling after applying for a job. If the job opening is in marketing for example you might say that you have a bachelors degree in marketing and that you are an assistant to the marketing director in your current job.
Leave your phone number so its handy for them to call you back. If you know the name of the employer and title of the administrative job you applied for call the company and speak to the receptionist. I submitted my application and resume via e-mail and wanted to make sure you received it.
Always ask if it is a convenient time to talk first because they may be in the middle of something. But a phone call can sometimes have a bigger impact. Prepare a short pitch for the hiring manager that details who you are what youre applying for and touches on anything memorable that may stand out.
There should be other areas such as within an application response field or in a cover letter to address your willingness to relocate but I would not go outside of their designated protocolAlways keep track of the dates for further communication that. Dont put the hiring manager on. Say thank you.
Let the person know you will be sending along a resume and that you look forward to meeting her for an interview at some point. What to say when calling after applying for a job Tips for Making a Follow-Up Call a Success Indeed. Its a great opportunity to find out a little more about the job that might provide you with some detail to add to your application and it also gives you a point of contact with the recruiter that will leave them with not only your name but also hopefully a good impression.
Send an email if possible.
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